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Scatter-Brain !

My Poppet : your weekly dose of crafty inspiration: Scatter-Brain !

My Poppet : your weekly dose of crafty inspiration

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Scatter-Brain !

My brain is turning to mush! All of those people that say baby brain is a myth are LIARS!!!
So far i have forgotten several appointments (including one very important doctors one) and other day to day commitments, that other people seem to know about except me. It's really starting to get annoying, and I've got a while to go yet.
Spent yesterday making very thorough lists, now just need to remember to read my lists...
Apparently elephants never forget, I have surrounded myself by some in hopes that their good memory will rub off on me...

Elephant cushion by Vintage Modern $65, Elephant hair clips/ties $11 for set of 2