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The worst kept secret...

My Poppet : your weekly dose of crafty inspiration: The worst kept secret...

My Poppet : your weekly dose of crafty inspiration

Thursday, 6 November 2008

The worst kept secret...

Look what I made! Can't take all the credit, Mr Cinti played a role as well. Must have been the worst kept secret ever, I really have the biggest blabber mouth. Will never be offered a job with ASIO, that's for sure...
Due on ANZAC day (25th April), have sort of un-officially nicknamed him/her 'digger'. My 20 week scan is not far away so I'll know if it's a him or her soon.
Suppose I'll be needing some help around the shop, more info on that soon.

If you already knew my secret, try to act surprised anyway...xx Miss Cinti + one...